Goals of the Conference
Authors and Bloggers are both working together online to reach out to readers and spread the word about the books we read and love. We all face challenges with online promotion that can be alleviated by working together. By streamlining the process of co-operative work between Authors and Bloggers we can move forward using social media and online outlets to expose more readers to more books.
How it Works -
Never been to an online conference? - Well here is how ours works. It is hosted through a private Ning. The panels are audio using Blog Talk Radio and each has a corresponding chat room so listeners can discuss the topic together. Panels can be heard live and will accept callers and questions. After they can all be listened to in archive on the Ning till the end of the month. There is a $15 registration fee and spaces are limited. This 2 day event is a great resource to network and meet fellow book lovers.
We have the tentative schedule for the BBA Online Conference with the announcement of panelists to be added soon. Friday Night and all day Saturday August 6&7 radio panels and live discussions. -
Look Below for a Listing of FREE Pre-Conference Panels
Earlier, Panel for International Bloggers -
Moderated by Jessica of Novel Reaction and Panelists Larissa of Larissa's Bookish Life
What do international bloggers face that is different from other bloggers?
6 - 7pm - EST Opening Event
7:30 - 8:30pm - The art of the Review
Hear how reviewers approach writing their reviews as well as authors weigh in on what they look for and appreciate.
Panelists - Sabrina of Cheeky Reads
Moderator - Jessica of Novel Reaction
8 - 9pm - Be a better guest blogger/how to guest blog
Learn what bloggers and readers are looking for. What is important to include when you guest blog. What is the blogger's part and what is the author's/guest's. How to bring more attention to your guest blogs.
9 - 10:30 - Should Authors have Blogs
A round table discussion on the benefits and downsides of authors having blogs and what other possibilities are open to them.
11am - 11:30 EST- Opening Panel
11:30-12:30 - Finding the Right Blogs
What makes a blog a good match for what you write? How do you find them? What can you do to work with them, how to get in contact, SEO and web search secrets.
12 - 1pm - Approaching Authors and Publishers
Bloggers, how do you approach authors and publishers? What makes your blog stand out to them. ARCs, Authors, Interviews, the important parts and procedures.
1:30 - 3pm - Time Management - Promotion
This is a good thing for all of us in life. We are bringing in some pros to talk about time management and the benefits it can have on your promotion.
3:30 - 4:30pm - Live Events and Happenings - Important to bloggers AND authors
We need to reach out as authors and bloggers - so lets talk about how to go about it. Book signings, conferences, libraries, book stores and more. Where to go and how to go about it.
5 - 5:30 pm - Get your books Reviewed
Authors roll in getting reviewed and why that is important. Is it all on your pub? What is the proceedure and what falls to the reviewers. Discussing why it is important to get reviewed.
Panelists - Larissa of Larissa's Bookish Life.
Moderator - Terry Kate
5:00 - 6:00pm - Bloggers working together - co-operation
Blog hops, memes, networking, and reaching out to fellow bloggers.
Panelists -
Rebecca - Dirty Sexy Books
6:00 - 7:00pm - Blog Tours pros and cons
Are they good for bloggers? Do they benefit authors? Hear from bloggers, authors, and those who organize the tours.
7:00 - 8:00pm - What makes a Great Interview-
Authors Weigh in on what they like to be asked and bloggers what makes the returned answers stand out. Panelists - Ilona Andrews http://www.ilona-andrews.com/ - Stacia Kane http://www.staciakane.com
9 - 10:30 - How can bloggers and authors do it better?
Wrapping up the ideas covered during the conference and discussing the future of Blogger author relations.
Thursday Night - August 5th - to make sure your set up is working.
9 - 9:30pm - Fix Your Facebook
Authors and bloggers, face book is important. It is an easy location to use for us to learn about each other. It allows you to use links, display info and get together with readers and other industry folk. Get yours set up the right way and get the biggest benefit from having a Facebook account.
Ask these fabulous bloggers any questions you might have.
July 26th, 9pm EST - My Friend Amy - Q&A - here
July 27th, 9:30 EST - Rachel of Bitten by Books - Q&A - here